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RESTful Web Services with Scala ebook
RESTful Web Services with Scala ebook

RESTful Web Services with Scala by Jos Dirksen

RESTful Web Services with Scala

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RESTful Web Services with Scala Jos Dirksen ebook
Format: pdf
Page: 168
Publisher: Packt Publishing, Limited
ISBN: 9781785289408

When I started learning Spray I used this awesome sample project. In the future, Play framework will use spray as http server instead of netty, All web frameworks are not stateless by default (LIFT for example). Ported Getting Started Guide for REST web service to Scala. Chaos - A lightweight framework for writing REST services in Scala. Lift makes providing REST-style web services very simple. We'll demonstrate the necessary concepts by designing a simple RESTful web service to GET a list of entities and accept POSTs to create new entities. Because RESTful Web services can be of various types, there is no definite workflow to develop them. Spring-labs/gs-rest-service-complete-scala/. It shows you how to structure your application and much more. First, create serve { case "api" :: "user" :: _ XmlPut xml -> _ => // xml is a scala.xml. Scalatron Server Application | | Scalatron Client (Browser) user interface and exposes certain sections of Scalatron's native Scala API as a RESTful web API. I am looking for input on which route to take to build a rest service system from scratch in web app but returning e.g. Play Framework makes it easy to build web applications with Java & Scala. The predominant web application frameworks targeting Scala are Lift and Play!

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